Modèles enquête Les enquêtes d'évaluation des employés Questions d'enquête de sortie + modèle de questionnaire

Questions d'enquête de sortie + modèle de questionnaire

Employé entrevue de départ, y compris l'évaluation de la relation avec les collègues, le travail, avantages sociaux et l'évaluation de l'entreprise.

French (Français) translation missing for : We have really valued the time you spent working here and the contribution that you have made. We would love to know more about your experience working here, whether it's with hopes that you may return one day and find it more fulfilling and rewarding, or whether it's to help us create an even better workplace for your colleagues who remain. 
French (Français) translation missing for : Strongly disagree
French (Français) translation missing for : Disagree
French (Français) translation missing for : Neutral
French (Français) translation missing for : Agree
French (Français) translation missing for : Strongly agree
French (Français) translation missing for : My manager helped me advance my career
French (Français) translation missing for : I believe my company makes a difference to someone or something that matters 
French (Français) translation missing for : I was paid fairly for the contributions I made here
French (Français) translation missing for : I found my colleagues here competent at their job
French (Français) translation missing for : I feel like I had a good work life balance here
French (Français) translation missing for : I felt valued and appreciated for the work I did here 
French (Français) translation missing for : The compensation I will receive in my new job is significantly better than my current compensation
French (Français) translation missing for : The manager I'm going to work with is a significant factor in my decision to go into this new job
French (Français) translation missing for : I'm leaving this company to change my career direction and/or to start a new one entirely
Sur la base de votre expérience complète avec notre organisation, quelle est la probabilité que vous recommandiez à votre famille / amis de travailler avec nous?
0 Très improbable to 10 Très probable
Très improbable
Très probable
Qu'est-ce qui vous a le plus plu dans votre collaboration avec notre organisation?
French (Français) translation missing for : What is something you would suggest that we change?
Avez-vous d'autres commentaires ou suggestions?